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NASA Nebraska Space Grant & EPSCoR

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Academic Level:
K-12 Educators
Undergraduates - First Year
Undergraduates - Sophomore
Undergraduates - Junior
Undergraduates - Senior
Graduate Students (Masters)
Graduate Students (PhD)
Postdoc & Early Career
Faculty & Administrators

As part of NASA's National Space Grant College and Fellowship Program, we are funded to promote aerospace-related research, education, and public service programs to encourage a Diverse Workforce. This is accomplished through a national network of colleges, universities, industry and federal agency partners.

The Nebraska Space Grant offers several funding opportunities, including Fellowships, and mini-grants for Higher Education, Informal Education, Research, and Teacher Training.
portable funding

Participating Institution(s):
(Click an institution to see all programs it hosts or sponsors)
University of Nebraska, Omaha (Lead)
College of Saint Mary
Creighton University
Nebraska Indian Community College
University of Nebraska, Lincoln
University of Nebraska Medical Center
Western Nebraska Community College

Program Materials:
 • Program Website 

This Program can be Described by:
Academic Disciplines:
Aerospace Engineering
Astronomy & Astrophysics
Atmospheric Sciences
Computer & Electrical Engineering
Materials Science & Engineering
Mechanical & Industrial Engineering
STEM Fields
Transportation Systems

Learn More and Apply!

This program is funded by:
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

Page last updated 5/20/2024
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a flag denotes an institution that is the lead of an allianceInstitution that is the lead of an alliance

An exclamation point denotes a program with an upcoming deadlineUpcoming deadline

an airplane denotes a study abroad opportunityProgram includes a study abroad component

icon indicating a short-term opportunityDifferent from a program, an opportunity is generally short-term; they include paid workshops, travel funds, or professional development opportunities

icon indicating a nationwide programNationwide programs are not based at individual institutions

an airplane denotes a study abroad opportunityProgram Just Posted

a suitcase denotes portable fundingPortable Funding

a globe denotes funding for international studentsFunds International Students

a checkbox denotes a program recently updatedProgram recently updated