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Convergent Graduate Training and EmPOWERment for a Sustainable Energy Future - NSF Research Traineeship

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Academic Level:
Graduate Students (PhD)

EmPOWERment offers PhD students the opportunity to pursue interdisciplinary training in energy-system modeling, data science, energy policy, business, legal, social-behavioral issues, and energy technologies to address the challenges facing a sustainable energy future.

As an EmPOWERment trainee, you will be immersed in coursework, research, experiential-learning opportunities, and a student community of like-minded individuals; opportunities designed to introduce you to the unique challenges facing the advancement of sustainable energy systems. You?ll gain an in-depth knowledge of every facet of the sustainable energy landscape through a unique interdisciplinary experience which combines research, education, and communication training. Working together with faculty, industry mentors, and fellow trainees, EmPOWERment students prepare to become the next generation of innovative leaders in sustainable energy.

EmPOWERment encourages and supports the participation of underrepresented minorities and women.

Program Rationale: As energy markets become more decentralized and digitally driven, harnessing new energy technologies with innovations in policy, markets, and business strategies to reduce global carbon emissions becomes paramount. The EmPOWERment Program addresses these challenges by offering interdisciplinary training in energy-system modeling, data science, energy policy, business, and energy technologies to the next generation of innovative leaders in sustainable energy.

Admissions: Any student with an interest in sustainable energy pursing a PhD in a STEM field at The Ohio State University may apply. Prospective PhD students must apply and be admitted by a PhD program at Ohio State to participate in EmPOWERment. The program is designed to supplement a student's PhD studies and is not a standalone PhD program. EmPOWERment trainees will participate in additional training elements beyond the normal requirements of their degree program. These elements are designed to enrich the graduate experience without extending time to graduation.

Fellowship Information: PhD students who are accepted into EmPOWERment will also be considered for a highly prestigious and competitive one-year fellowship opportunity funded by National Science Foundation that provides full funding to support the trainee's PhD studies and participation in the program. Fellowship recipients will receive the award during their second year of participation in the program. A limited number of fellowships are offered to trainees per year. Admitted trainees who are not awarded a fellowship but demonstrate exceptional qualities and active participation in EmPOWERment may reapply to be considered for a fellowship in subsequent years.

 • Note: currently funded through NSF

Participating Institution(s):
(Click an institution to see all programs it hosts or sponsors)
Ohio State University (Lead)

Program Materials:
 • Program Website 

This Program can be Described by:
Academic Disciplines:
Civil & Environmental Engineering
Computer & Electrical Engineering
Law & Government
Materials Science & Engineering
Mechanical & Industrial Engineering
Psychology & Behavioral Sciences
STEM Fields

Alternative Energy
Clean Energy
Energy Efficiency
Green Energy
Renewable Energy
Science Policy
Sustainable Energy
Sustainable Engineering

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This program is funded by:
National Science Foundation (NSF)

Page last updated 5/17/2024
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