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Program in Mathematics for Young Scientists (PROMYS)

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an IBP member program

Academic Level:
High School Students

PROMYS is a challenging program designed to encourage ambitious high school students to explore the creative world of mathematics. Each summer, approximately 85 high school students and 25 undergraduate counselors from across the country and around the world gather for six weeks of rigorous mathematical activity.

PROMYS will run in person at Boston University. PROMYS is free for domestic students whose families make under $80,000 a year. Need-based financial aid is available for all families up to the full cost of participation (including tuition, room and board). Students may also apply for travel support. Aid for international students is assessed on a case-by-case basis. There are also some fellowships.

The application includes 10 challenging problems which students should give themselves days or weeks to think about. Successful applicants do not need to have taken any advanced math courses or participated in contests. They do need to show unusual readiness to think deeply about mathematics.

Through their intensive efforts to solve an assortment of unusually challenging problems in Number Theory, participants practice the art of mathematical discovery. The problem sets encourage students to design their own numerical experiments and to employ their own powers of analysis to discover patterns, formulate and test conjectures, and justify their ideas by devising their own mathematical proofs. There are also Exploration Labs, advanced seminars, research projects and dozens of talks and guest lectures on a wide range of mathematical topics.

Talented undergraduate counselors are readily available to discuss mathematics and to offer support. Each counselor provides detailed feedback on the daily work of their 3 or 4 students. Counselors keep a protective eye on the students to ensure they are safe and happy. Faculty and visiting mathematicians are an additional resource.

The emphasis at PROMYS is on asking good and creative questions, on hard work and persistence, on clarity of thought and precision of expression, on respect for people and ideas, and on the sheer joy of acquiring mathematical insight. Participants are asked to work beyond their centers of competence and to push the limits of their knowledge. The atmosphere is collaborative, not competitive. The PROMYS community provides a richly supportive environment. The alum community is strong, so the friendships and connections made at PROMYS extend far beyond the summer.

For more information, please visit our website!
upcoming deadlineaccepts non-us citizens

Application Deadline: 3/3/2025

Program Dates: 6/29/2025 - 8/9/2025

Participating Institution(s):
(Click an institution to see all programs it hosts or sponsors)
Boston University (Lead)

Program Materials:
 • Program Website 
movie  Program Video

This Program can be Described by:
Academic Disciplines:

Number Theory
Problem Solving

Learn More and Apply!

Page last updated 1/3/2025
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