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Summer Pre-College Program Funding and Scholarships

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an IBP member program

Academic Level:
High School Students

Summer Pre-College at UMass Amherst is an academic summer program for rising high school sophomores, juniors and seniors. Our programs correspond to a variety of college majors and give students an opportunity to explore their academic interests and help them decide what to study in college. It's a great way for high school students to experience college-level coursework first-hand. Sessions range in length from 1 to 6 weeks.

Residential programs are offered at UMass Amherst and at the UMass Mt. Ida campus in Newton, MA. Explore your interests and earn credit while working with faculty, and experience life as a UMass student. Students will enjoy air-conditioned housing, state-of-the-art classroom facilities, and the #1 ranked campus dining in the U.S. Online options are available, too.

Full scholarships are available for Question Everything and the Summer Engineering Institute. Students with financial need who will be entering 10th - 12th grades are invited to apply. Limited partial scholarships are also available for all other STEM programs offered. Question Everything is open to rising high school seniors from Springfield and Holyoke, MA.

Our STEM programs include:

- Anthropometrics, Body Image & Nutrition- Antibiotic Resistance: A Global Health Crisis- Building & Construction Technology: BuildingLab- Building & Construction Technology: SustainabilityLab- Big Picture of Mathematics- Botanical Breakthroughs: Exploring Biochemical Properties of Plants- Discovering Mathematics- Energy Without Borders- Equine Science- Everyday Magic: Chemistry & Its Environmental Impact- Introduction to Programming in Python- Kinesiology: Pathway to the Medical Professions- Math Puzzles for Computer Science- Modern Astronomy- Pre-Veterinary Medicine- Primate Evolution, Ecology & Conservation- Programming for Aspiring Scientists: Python with Applications to Physics- Psychology of the Human-Animal Bond- Psychology of Wellbeing- Social Media & Society- Summer Engineering Institute- Veterinary Technology

Question Everything is a mind-expanding residential summer program for high school students, offered by the UMass Amherst Department of Philosophy. We'll explore exciting philosophical issues in a fun and supportive environment. It's a chance for participants to get a taste of college, meet new people, and most importantly, question everything! Question Everything is open to rising high school seniors from Springfield and Holyoke, MA. All admitted applicants automatically receive a full scholarship covering room and board, instruction, and materials.
Recently updated.accepts non-us citizens

Application Deadline: 5/31/2025

Program Dates: 6/29/2025 - 8/9/2025

Participating Institution(s):
(Click an institution to see all programs it hosts or sponsors)
University of Massachusetts, Amherst (Lead)

Program Materials:
 • Program Website 

This Program can be Described by:
Academic Disciplines:
Astronomy & Astrophysics
Civil & Environmental Engineering
Computer Sciences
Mechanical & Industrial Engineering
Medical Sciences
STEM Fields

Animal Science
Mathematical Techniques
Problem Solving
Statistical Modelling
Veterinary Medicine

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Page last updated 1/8/2025 4:16:22 PM
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