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California State University Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (CSU-LSAMP)

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an IBP member program

Academic Level:
Undergraduates - First Year
Undergraduates - Sophomore
Undergraduates - Junior
Undergraduates - Senior

The CSU-LSAMP program is supported by funds from the National Science Foundation, the CSU Office of the Chancellor, and the 23 participating CSU campuses. The goals of this program are to (1) increase the number of targeted students who graduate with degrees in the sciences, technology, engineering, or math (STEM, and (2) increase the number of targeted students who progress to graduate degrees in STEM. The targeted students are individuals who have faced or face social, educational, or economic barriers to careers in STEM.

Several strategies are employed to meet this goal including encouraging participation in academic year workshops in key "gatekeeper" courses, assistance with admission to graduate schools (GRE workshops, application help, fee waivers, etc.) and funds to attend research conferences. Students are also encouraged to engage in an independent research experience with a faculty member for which they can receive a scholarship and/or course credit.
study abroad program

Participating Institution(s):
This program has 17 participating institutions.
expand listView all 17 participating institutions

Program Materials:
 • Program Website 
movie  Program Video

This Program can be Described by:
Academic Disciplines:
Civil & Environmental Engineering
Computer & Electrical Engineering
Computer Sciences
Geological Sciences
Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

STEM Education

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This program is funded by:
National Science Foundation (NSF)

Page last updated 6/18/2024
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a flag denotes an institution that is the lead of an allianceInstitution that is the lead of an alliance

An exclamation point denotes a program with an upcoming deadlineUpcoming deadline

an airplane denotes a study abroad opportunityProgram includes a study abroad component

icon indicating a short-term opportunityDifferent from a program, an opportunity is generally short-term; they include paid workshops, travel funds, or professional development opportunities

icon indicating a nationwide programNationwide programs are not based at individual institutions

an airplane denotes a study abroad opportunityProgram Just Posted

a suitcase denotes portable fundingPortable Funding

a globe denotes funding for international studentsFunds International Students

a checkbox denotes a program recently updatedProgram recently updated