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The Environmental Fellows Program

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Academic Level:
Postdoc & Early Career

The Harvard University Center for the Environment created the Environmental Fellows program to enable recent doctorate recipients to use and expand Harvard's extraordinary resources to tackle complex environmental problems. The Environmental Fellows will work for two years with Harvard faculty members in any school or department while also strengthening connections across the University's academic disciplines.

The Award:

The fellowship includes a salary of $87,500 per year, employee health insurance eligibility, up to $2,500 reimbursement for relocation expenses, and a $2,500 annual allowance for travel and other professional expenses.

The Center for the Environment expects to award approximately six fellowships for the next cohort. The Center will organize a co-curricular program to ensure that the fellows get to know each other and each other's work. All fellows will attend biweekly dinners with their colleagues, faculty members, and guests.

Program Requirements:

-Candidates for the Environmental Fellowships should have received their terminal degree between May and August (Fellows must have filed their dissertation before starting their appointment in September.)

-Candidates with a doctorate or equivalent in any field are eligible, and they may propose research projects in any discipline. Applicants without a Ph.D. may apply if they have studied in fields where the Ph.D. is not the typical terminal degree. All successful candidates will be able to demonstrate experience performing scholarly research.

-Each candidate must secure a commitment from one or more Harvard faculty members to serve as a mentor and to provide office or lab space for the two-year fellowship.

-Candidates may have received their degrees at any university in the world. Foreign nationals are eligible for fellowships, though study at Harvard requires proficiency in English.

-Candidates who received terminal degrees from Harvard, and post-docs currently working at Harvard are eligible for the fellowship provided their research and host arrangements take them in new directions and forge new connections within the University. Harvard candidates should not propose to continue to work with the same professors or lab groups with whom they are currently associated. No candidate should propose to work extensively with their thesis advisor.

-Harvard is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer.

-Successful candidates should be prepared to commit to work at Harvard for the full two years of the fellowship. This fellowship requires residency in the Cambridge, MA area and any fieldwork trip must be scheduled for the summer or January recess.
Recently updated.accepts non-us citizens

Participating Institution(s):
(Click an institution to see all programs it hosts or sponsors)
Harvard University (Lead)

Program Materials:
 • Postdoc Website this link takes you to a different website

This Program can be Described by:
Academic Disciplines:
Civil & Environmental Engineering
Conservation Biology & Wildlife
Ecology & Evolution
Environmental Sciences
Geological Sciences
Natural Resources
Political Science
STEM Fields

Environmental Change
Environmental Ethics
Environmental Health
Environmental Policy
Sustainable Energy

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Page last updated 7/6/2024
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