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Entry Point! Program for Students with Disabilities

Click Here to Learn More and Apply! 

Academic Level:
For most summer research programs, this is your upcoming status as of the fall. Always check with the individual program's website for details.

Undergraduates - First Year
Undergraduates - Sophomore
Undergraduates - Junior
Undergraduates - Senior
Graduate Students (Masters)
Graduate Students (PhD)

Entry Point! identifies and recruits students with apparent and non-apparent disabilities who are majoring in science, engineering, mathematics, computer science, and some fields of business for internship and co-op opportunities. Students are screened and referred to program partners, who seek specific skills and majors, for consideration of being placed in a summer internship or co-op.

Entry Point! is a national effort to discover and develop talent among undergraduate and graduate students with disabilities who demonstrated a talent and interest in pursuing a STEM career. The primary goal of the project is to increase the diversity of the scientific and engineering workforce at the professional level. Entry Point! recruits, screens, and refers qualified candidates to company and university research program partners for 10-week summer internships.

Interns and their managers at partner sites receive support during the program as well as post-placement follow-up and mentoring.

For more information contact Laureen Summers at

Participating Institution(s):
(Click an institution to see all programs it hosts or sponsors)
American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) (Lead)

Program Materials:
 • Program Website 

This Program can be Described by:
Academic Disciplines:
STEM Fields

STEM Education
Under-Represented Minorities

Learn More and Apply!

Page last updated 2/20/2024 1:25:55 PM
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