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MSRI-UP: Mathematical Endocrinology

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Academic Level:
For most summer research programs, this is your upcoming status as of the fall. Always check with the individual program's website for details.

Undergraduates - First Year
Undergraduates - Sophomore
Undergraduates - Junior

The MSRI-UP summer program is designed to serve a diverse group of undergraduate students who would like to conduct research in the mathematical sciences.

This year, MSRI-UP will focus on Mathematical Endocrinology. The research program will be led by Dr. Erica J. Graham, Associate Professor in the Department of Mathematics at Bryn Mawr College.

Endocrinology is broadly defined as the study of hormones and the glands and organs that produce them. The research program will focus on the analysis and development of mathematical models of various components of the endocrine system, under both physiological and pathological circumstances. A variety of mathematical/computational tools will be used as needed to examine research topics ranging from diabetes and metabolism to ovulatory function.

No in-depth knowledge of biology is required. Students who have had a course in differential equations OR dynamical systems OR linear algebra are eligible to apply. Familiarity with Matlab, R, or some other programming language will be helpful.

Participating Institution(s):
(Click an institution to see all programs it hosts or sponsors)
Simons Laufer Mathematical Sciences Institute (Lead)

Program Materials:
 • Program Website 

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Academic Disciplines:

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This program is funded by:
National Science Foundation (NSF)

Page last updated 3/15/2024 5:13:23 PM
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