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Pathways to Science: Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. Search for a program . . . find your future.

Fully Funded STEM Programs (Advanced Search)

IBP's database includes 1187 programs in a variety of disciplines and education levels. Search programs below or return to the Basic Search page.

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Community College Students

Geographic Location (Choose a region OR a state.)

Program's Citizenship Requirements

Application Deadline
Click here for information on understanding dates and deadlines.

Portable Funding (Funding that may be carried to most colleges or universities; not a structured research program)

Summer Research or Internship Opportunity

Short Term Opportunities
(For example, travel grants, paid workshops, etc.)

Study Abroad/International Experience

Research Experiences for Teachers

Louis Stokes Alliances for Minority Participation and Bridge to the Doctorate Programs (LSAMP-BD)

Program Start Date - programs starting on or after:
*please leave blank if you do not want to eliminate programs with no start date on record

Program End Date - programs ending on or before:
*please leave blank if you do not want to eliminate programs with no end date on record

Disciplinary Categories (maximum ten selections)
Tip for iPad users: drag two fingers up or down to scroll through the list.
General Programs

Medical & Life Sciences

Engineering & Physical Sciences

Mathematics & Computational Sciences

Earth, Environmental & Agriculture Sciences


Social Sciences


Arts & Media

Keywords (maximum ten selections)
Tip for iPad users: drag two fingers up or down to scroll through the list.