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Research Opportunities for Undergrads in Pharmaceutical Chemistry

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an IBP member program

Academic Level:
For most summer research programs, this is your upcoming status as of the fall. Always check with the individual program's website for details.

Undergraduates - First Year
Undergraduates - Sophomore
Undergraduates - Junior
Undergraduates - Senior

The Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry offers a 10-week summer undergraduate research program. Students perform independent research under the supervision of faculty members, applying chemical principles to problems involving drugs and related molecules. In pharmaceutical chemistry, the emphasis is on promoting the therapeutic effects of the drug or minimizing toxicity, or controlling delivery of the drug to specific sites of action. This involves increased attention to physical-organic, physical and analytical chemistry. Participants receive basic instruction in laboratory and research techniques, including laboratory safety, effective use of major university science library, and instruction in first-hand use of specialized laboratory instrumentation of importance to a given research problem. The program is designed to provide an opportunity for students to evaluate the possibility of entering a graduate program in the pharmaceutical sciences. Accordingly, students are provided the opportunity of engaging in a full-time research experience in close collaboration with faculty members, graduate students and postdoctoral mentors. As a direct result of the summer undergraduate research experience, many of our former participants have entered graduate schools and successfully completed doctoral degrees.

Participating Institution(s):
(Click an institution to see all programs it hosts or sponsors)
University of Kansas (Lead)

Program Materials:
 • Program Website 

This Program can be Described by:
Academic Disciplines:
Pharmaceutical Sciences

STEM Education

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This program is funded by:
National Science Foundation (NSF)

Page last updated 4/22/2024
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