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Bioinformatics Research in Data Science for Genomics

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an IBP member program

Academic Level:
For most summer research programs, this is your upcoming status as of the fall. Always check with the individual program's website for details.

Undergraduates - First Year
Undergraduates - Sophomore
Undergraduates - Junior
Undergraduates - Senior

Note: this opportunity encourages applications from community college students.

Following the genome revolution, bioinformatics has arisen as an essential field of research. There is a critical need for scientists with interdisciplinary training to process and analyze large scale genomic datasets. This REU establishes a program called BRIDGE (Bioinformatics Research In Data science for Genomics) that exposes students to research within bioinformatics and computational biology. Ten students will receive training and mentorship for ten weeks each summer and will be jointly advised by members of the UMD Center for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (CBCB).

Throughout this experience, students will work in pairs to learn about a research problem, propose a plan to tackle a specific research question, and implement their plan. With the guidance of experienced mentors, undergraduate students will research real world problems in cutting-edge areas of bioinformatics, including metagenomics, machine learning, single-cell RNA sequencing, parallel computing, and phylogenomics. Students will address novel problems with unknown answers. By the end of the summer, each team will produce a paper and give an oral presentation on their project. Students' findings will advance knowledge and understanding of the field.

BRIDGE aims to build a diverse cohort of exceptional undergraduates from across the country and provide research opportunities for women, underrepresented minorities, and non-traditional students. In order to build a solid foundation in bioinformatics and computational biology, students will take a week-long intensive course and attend seminars and panel discussions on various professional development topics. BRIDGE will provide students with a valuable, enjoyable research experience that will encourage them to pursue interdisciplinary graduate studies and eventually expand and diversify the biomedical research field.

Given the short duration and intensive work schedule of the internship, interns are expected to plan their vacations around the internship dates. Exceptions will be made in case of emergencies.
upcoming deadline

Application Deadline: 3/2/2025

Program Dates: 6/9/2025 - 8/15/2025

Participating Institution(s):
(Click an institution to see all programs it hosts or sponsors)
University of Maryland, College Park (Lead)

Program Materials:
 • Program Website 

This Program can be Described by:
Academic Disciplines:
Bioinformatics & Genomics
Computational Sciences
Computer Sciences
Ecology & Evolution

Computational Biology
Data Science
Genomic Analysis

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This program is funded by:
National Science Foundation (NSF)
National Institute of Health (NIH)

Page last updated 1/7/2025
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