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University of Kansas
Lawrence, KS

STEM programs, research opportunities, and contacts from University of Kansas.

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High School Students • Undergraduate Students • Post-Baccalaureate • Graduate Students • 

High School Students

Nursing Pathway Program

The KU Nursing Pathway Program provides educational and career support to high school students, particularly from underserved populations, and helps t ... read more
an IBP member program

Undergraduate Students

Center for OLDest Ice EXploration (COLDEX) REU

During your COLDEX REU experience, you will work with ice core scientists and researchers to answer questions that will help in our mission to find th ... read more

Chemistry Research Experience for Undergraduates Program

The Department of Chemistry at the University of Kansas is proud to sponsor a National Science Foundation-supported Research Experience for Undergradu ... read more
an IBP member program

Paid Rosetta Commons Research Experience for Undergraduates

Interns in this geographically-distributed REU program have the opportunity to participate in research using the Rosetta Commons software. The Rosetta ... read more
an IBP member programstudy abroad programfunds international students

Research Experience for Undergraduates: Equitable pathways to community disaster resilience

The goal of this REU is to provide undergraduate students with an immersive research experience linked to finding equitable pathways to community disa ... read more
an IBP member program

Research Experiences for Undergraduates: IDEA Incubator in Porous Materials

The IDEA Incubator is an exciting program that seeks to nurture innovations in porous materials by 'Integrating Discovery, Engineering and Art' ... read more
an IBP member program

Research Opportunities for Undergrads in Pharmaceutical Chemistry

The Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry offers a 10-week summer undergraduate research program. Students perform independent research under the sup ... read more
an IBP member program

REU SITE: The Stressed Life of Cells

Students will receive one-on one mentoring by research faculty from the Departments of Molecular Biosciences, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, and ... read more
an IBP member program

Summer Undergraduate Mathematics Research, ,SUMaR

We are offering projects in discrete complex analysis, computational imaging, and algebra/representation theory. Topics vary each year. During eight w ... read more


BioGEM Program in Biodiversity and genetic evolutionary mechanisms

BioGEM is a postbaccalaureate program committed to training scholars in research that integrates biodiversity science with genetic evolutionary mechan ... read more
an IBP member program

Center for OLDest Ice EXploration (COLDEX) REU

During your COLDEX REU experience, you will work with ice core scientists and researchers to answer questions that will help in our mission to find th ... read more

Post-Baccalaureate Research Education Program (PREP)

The Post-Baccalaureate Research Education Program (PREP) is a National Institute of Health (NIH) supported program at the University of Kansas (KU) th ... read more
an IBP member program

Graduate Students

Madison and Lilas Self Graduate Fellowship

The Madison and Lila Self Graduate Fellowship at the University of Kansas is a community of doctoral student leaders who have been nominated and selec ... read more

NSF Research Traineeship: Internet of Catalysis

The Internet of Catalysis is an AI and Machine Learning Traineeship at the University of Kansas sponsored by the National Science Foundation.

Here i ... read more

an IBP member program

Program Icons

a flag denotes an institution that is the lead of an allianceInstitution that is the lead of an alliance

An exclamation point denotes a program with an upcoming deadlineUpcoming deadline

an airplane denotes a study abroad opportunityProgram includes a study abroad component

icon indicating a short-term opportunityDifferent from a program, an opportunity is generally short-term; they include paid workshops, travel funds, or professional development opportunities

icon indicating a nationwide programNationwide programs are not based at individual institutions

an airplane denotes a study abroad opportunityProgram Just Posted

a suitcase denotes portable fundingPortable Funding

a globe denotes funding for international studentsFunds International Students

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